
Saturday, August 31, 2013

High CUTE Factor!

Wellsboro is a darling town set in the beautiful rolling hills of north central Pennsylvania. It had everything I would need: fun bookstore with a mascot cat; Peggy's Candy Shop; bagels that are delicious; and a cute main street.
 I spent the late morning wandering down the street, lots of interesting windows to check out. Of course, I went in the book store-'From My Shelf Books'.
Their mascot cat, Moro, was definitely a favorite of the kids, he even has a book written about his adventures! I did buy a map, but was intrigued with the section 'paranormal romance'. ??

I continued strolling along, a little tempted to check out the diner, but had just eaten breakfast. Lots of people were waiting in line, though.

I spent almost as much time in the candy store as I did in the book store-and spent almost as much money! Well,,,, check out the name!!
The bagel shop was really popular! It was so quiet inside, it almost seemed like a library, kind of interesting.
Wellsboro is definitely a fun little stop. Super friendly people, very chatty and welcoming, lots of hellos on the street. And now for some of that chocolate!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

THE place to be in Marblehead, OH

After a beautiful sunset walk along the shore,
I started looking for the soft serve place that every small town has. I had almost given up, but as I walked past the US Coast Guard Homeland Security station guarding the lighthouse, 
I noticed a bunch of cars. Something I hadn't even seen at the ferry station. So I knew!
Brown's Dairy Dock. And there was a line! And since I am over 60 I fit right in with the other customers and joined in the decision making.

There are no beaches here for swimming, but lots of choices as to the kinds of fishing one might want to do. The shoreline is beautiful, seagulls aplenty, pretty homes with wrap around porches-screened in, of course. Not a place I would recommend staying, but definitely worth the detour.

Even though the lighthouse is the draw to visit, you can't get anywhere near it due to Homeland Security's post. Luckily a curio shop has the perfect replica!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Signed, Sealed, SOLD!!

Today I am officially a full time RVer! Last Thursday I closed on my condo, all my treasures are in storage, and many new items are waiting to find a home in the rv.   

I feel pretty footloose and fancy free, have to admit. The road is waiting for me and I can't wait to get on it. Right after rush hour Monday, I head to New York to see Rachel and Dov. First stop?? Indiana Dunes State Park; lots of childhood memories there and I have to spend some time up close and personal with Lake Michigan before I leave the midwest.
     We had a family yard party today. Did I take family pictures today? Nope, forgot. Too busy having fun grilling, talking, grilling, eating, playing, -- get the picture? The hot humid day finally turned into a wonderful summer night. It was a great afternoon.
     I think I am more of a visitor now. I love being on the road, checking into new sights, seeing different vistas. Mary Lynn and I went to see the Picasso exhibit at the Art Institute quite awhile ago. When he turned a certain age, don't remember what age, he realized he only had so long to be creative. He sketched 'like a madman'. In a way, I feel the same, I have reached a certain age, and now want to see and experience as much as I can. So, I will. Here's to a new day. I have my foot on the Pedal!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Oak Park pretty

I am in Oak Park for a few weeks, to clean out my condo for the final sale the end of August. Oak Park in the late summer is so lush and green, it is really beautiful.  The trees are huge and rich with birds, squirrels, and BIG leaves. Home owners take pride in their front lawns and beautiful flowers.

The homes are large, sprawling, yet simple-they have typically been in family's for generations. Frank Lloyd Wright seems to have had an influence in all the architecture here; wrapping porches, windows for light yet privacy, space to breathe. This is not a Wright house, but the influence seems to be there. 
What I like most about Oak Park is the trees. They are old, huge, with a personality to match. There are many that would tempt a tree climber--in my younger days... :-)  
This branch would be the perfect place to hide and read. Oh, yea--great library to get those books! I definitely love walking these streets, no matter the heat-big trees for shade. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Yes, still in Kansas :-)

Sasha decided that we should stay another day here.

The camp is very pretty, lush, river running through it, some beautiful birds, and this morning I was greeted with 2 doe and their fawns. I enjoyed a wonderful breezy morning outside, crocheting and watching the birds.
 The camp owners are new, just having bought this place in the spring. I had a lot of fun talking to Sue about their adjustment to humidity (slow but happening), small town friendliness (they have already been invited to an anniversary party, just after being here for 4 months!) and only showering when one wants!! She and her husband moved here from Las Vegas, Nevada. I think I want to stop by next spring to see how the winter went here.  Sue was quick to point out that they haven't had a tornado here in 100 years! The town is surrounded by a river which stops the tornados.

This afternoon I walked into town to check out the grocery store. The town is pretty sad, very empty but some cute houses still.  This is a porch on which I would love to sit and chat.

I am not minding the extra day, but I do hope Sasha comes back tonight. I do have a FEW things to accomplish in Oak Park. :-)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Have to have...

paper books along with my kindle, so I consolidated, sorted and donated clothes and stuff. Now I have a great book cabinet just waiting for books. Went to Bookworm and scored 6 books from my Goodreads list. I am one happy rv'er. Now to hit the road and get reading!!!

Update: as I was driving and happily thinking about this today, I realized I may need this closet for winter clothes. But, I 'll think about that tomorrow. :-)

You'll just have to believe me!

Things I saw this summer when I didn't have my camera:

             ...parked on a little roadside stopped in the middle of Nowhere, New Mexico; a road runner WALKS across the street in front of the van. I think it was bringing dinner home because it definitely had something wiggling in its mouth.  I had just stopped to have a chat with my realtor, literally. It was pretty awesome.

            ...Sasha bringing in not one mouse in the middle of the night to show off her skills, but two!

            ...hawks, eagles, herons, mountain blue jay, orange bellied birds,

            ...a coyote strolling through our New Mexico camp not 10 yards away from me

            ...stink bugs with their butts in the air-it is a funny sight

            ...Sasha panting in Kansas, her fur coat is not made for humidity :-)

            ....4-colored sunsets behind the flatirons